



The life of a dog is not complete without space to roam and follow all the smells to their source. Without mud to romp in, grass to roll in and water to splash in, how can a dog truly be content?

An urban dog might spy freedom between the fence palings or veer occasionally from the concrete path depending on the length of his lead. But a working dog earns his keep, is worth three paid humans at least and is respected for his wit and intelligence.

When Wally grows up, he wants to be a Labrador. He watches the retired yellow pet in his ageing years and thinks he’s got life sorted. First dibs on the scraps, comfy bed by the front door. Nothing bothers him and he doesn’t listen. He dozes all day and snores all night. Perfect!

But first, Wally must earn his stripes. He is a pup. He is agile. He is kind natured with good blood lines. His parents have proven themselves worthy of the game and learnt their lessons well. Soon it will be his turn to ‘step up’ to the fence that bounds the yards. To tail the weaners and muster the steers. It will be Game On! But not without some practice.

Luckily for Wally, his apprenticeship involves plenty of belly rubs and food treats. Soft grass to play and Little People to chase around the slide. He bounds at our feet at his meal time and sits quietly in hope at our meal time.

He is endearing, he is obedient. He is Wally :)


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